POS CHILDREN'S EDUCATION FUND welcomes enquiries from clergy or schools, about possible eligibility for grant assistance from the Fund. We would much rather have to say 'sorry' from time to time than miss being advised of cases where we can and should be involved.
To be eligible an orphan must have at least one deceased parent and one parent who was or is a Protestant, not necessarily a member of the Church of Ireland.
Referrals to POS Childrens Education Fund come from Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist clergy. Other sources are school principals or bursars, and Protestant Aid. Those referring cases to the charity act as continuing sponsors of the children or students involved.
Financial assistance is normally only given for children living in the diocese of Dublin and Glendalough, but the board does have discretion. Sometimes, if funds permit, and no alternative funding is available, the POS CHILDREN'S EDUCATION FUND tries to continue to fund an eligible child if they move outside the diocese for good reasons. Similarly, assistance can sometimes be given to eligible students from outside the core area who are studying in Dublin.
Such assistance is normally provided to the parent or guardian of a child, the Applicant. It may be provided directly to a third level student. It can be provided in the form of a monthly grant, fees assistance paid to a school or college, or given directly to a supplier for books, travel or clothing.